Friday, November 30, 2012

Sports and Marriage

Sports and Marriage.

Generally not two things discussed in the same conversation, unless you are like me… marrying the enemy. Just kidding; I do not have any ill will towards Alabama. But it does beg the question. How do couples do it? You share everything in your life, everything except your love your and your passion for YOUR team.

Some call it a “house divided.” Personally I think that phrase is contrived. I don’t know if rivalry is the right term either. So what do we call it?

That’s what I want to figure out.

I am the luckiest girl in the world, marrying my best friend. We are so similar it can be downright scary sometimes. But when it comes to our teams we are nothing alike. Everything is different from the teams to cheer for to how we really feel about them.

This is the idea: Compare and contrast my love for LSU and my future Hubby’s love for Bama.

SEC Championship Weekend.

Alabama v. Georgia

Me: Honestly I couldn't care less. I really don’t have a dog in the fight. I don’t have a hatred for either team and their coaches really don’t bother me that much. The only thing I care about at this point is SEC domination. So which ever teams wins (and that all depends on which Georgia and Alabama teams show up to play) needs to bring the crystal ball home where it belongs… in the SEC.

Johnny: You know he is all about this game. He would give almost anything to be there. I cannot count the times he has asked me to dive into my football knowledge and pick a winner of this game. I have given the same answer every time so I’m still not sure why he keeps asking. Only thing I can figure, he nervous.

Alabama fans are a unique breed. They focus so much on the past. “Winning is our tradition” is a phrase I have heard from many of them. Funny thing is, not that many actually believe in their team. You want an example… oh you know I have one.

Bama @ LSU 2012 (yes I have an example that recent) LSU is leading with about 2 min left on the clock. You would have thought the world was coming to an end. Every Bama fan I know had given up. On Twitter, Facebook and everyone social media outlet the “Crimson Faithful” had thrown in the towel. “Well it’s over,” “WTF Bama,” “Our national title hopes have died.” It was sickening. I have always believed a football game is 60 min. and it is never over till the whistle blows. We know what happened: Alabama marched down the field and scored securing the win. I have no problem admitting when my team is not the better team on the field (Ex: LSU @ Florida 2012... dreadful) but this time the better team on the field didn't get the “W.” But that is OK. Les Miles is my coach so I use to this kind of thing. Bama fans however cant handle almost loosing.

What was the point to my digression? He is nervous. They are all nervous. They are all worried this will the the Texas A&M game all over again. So being the sweet future wife all I can do is support him. Watch the game and cheer for Bama.

What does it mean to us?

Johnny: This is the game he has wanted all season. Two evenly matched teams playing for a title game spot. The chance to continue the journey for back-to-back national titles. The chance to prove that Alabama is as good as we thought they were in the beginning of the season. Maybe this will show "The Bear" is still shinning down on them from heaven or something.

Me: It’s just another SEC football game on another Saturday (with another basket of clothes to fold).