Sunday, January 31, 2010

Pearls and Bourbon

I hunt, I fish, I drink Bourbon and yes, I wear pearls every day. I love football, baseball and basketball. I may look cute, being only 5 feet 2 inches with blond hair and green eyes, but when it comes to watching my teams play, I can curse louder than any sailor. I am considered a Southern Belle by its very definition and at the same time it doesn’t bother me to be covered in mud while playing flag football with friends. Born and raised in the South means being a sports fan is a way of life. Of course I have my favorite teams, with whom my heart belongs and I follow religiously: LSU and the New Orleans Saints. There will be times when my bias gets the best of me.

The difference between most Southern girls and those that live north of the Mason-Dixon Line is that we would rather watch Monday Night Football than Desperate Housewives. When we say “that’s nice” we hate whatever you just said or showed us. We attend sporting events with full makeup, ready to drink and have a good time while we cheer for our team.

How many times has someone come up to you, while you were wearing your favorite team’s t-shirt, and asked if you could name a single player, with a sarcastic tone? Well if you’re a true Southern female sports fan the proper way to respond would be as my best friend, Lauren, did, ever so sweetly with a smile on her face, “Would you like offense or defense?”

That is exactly why I have begun writing; to prove a point, just because I am female does not mean I am ignorant about sports.

So I offer a new perspective, a Southern Belle’s view of sports.

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